Monday, January 31, 2011

It's Here -- Well Almost!!

MemoryWorks has released the new Simple Stories kit called Destinations! It is absolutely amazing. As you can probably guess, it is dedicated to travel and, like Life Documented and ele.ment.ary, geared to capturing all your vacation/travel memories in easy, pain-free style. Check out the pictures which are featured on the Simple Stories blog ( and all the cool inspiration that some of the MemoryWorks consultants have already come up with.

Destinations Collection Kit

12x12 Destination Elements (6)

Double Sided Designer Cardstock

12x12 Fundamental Stickers

12x12 Expressions Sticker Sheet

There is also a set of 4x6 Photo Transparency Overlays but those pictures are coming up right now??? BUT -- how fabulous is that kit?? I am so excited to add this collection to the already amazing Simple Stories line of products. AND .... we have added some additional stickers and cardstock to both the Life Documented and ele.ment.ary kits!! As if it couldn't get any better. Head on over the Simple Stories blog for full details.

The kits will be available to order the first of March. If you'd like to put your name on the list of firsts to order, let me know.

Happy scrappin'!!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Happy New Year!!

I try not to make New Year's resolutions because I can never manage to keep them. But, this year I am trying to get seriously organized in all aspects of my life and part of that is more frequent postings on this blog. We'll see what happens!!

Our holidays were FAB-U-LOUS!! Lonnie and I both had 12 days off and we spent almost all of it together with the boys. It was truly nice and I was not ready to go back to work. I hope that all of you had a great holiday and New Year as well!!

In the month of December, I took a class through Big Picture Classes called Picture the Holidays. It was a great class. Each day, we were given a topic of inspiration and were then assigned to find something that spoke to us about said topic. It forced me each day to take few minuted to reflect on what we were looking for. Some days, I didn't take those moments to actually snap any pictures but, I was at least taking the time to think about the topic and what parts of my life fit into the day's theme. I did take a picture for each day by the end of the month. I am now going to take those pictures and create a December album which focuses on the topics and pictures I captured. I'll post pictures as I get the pages done.

After completing the class, it got me thinking about how I could do this same thing each month of the year. Not necessarily to take a picture everyday (though one could totally do that) but, perhaps a theme per month. We could chose a topic and take any number of pictures during the month that represents that subject to us. At the end of the year, we'd have a full album of a year of our life. This could then all be captured in an album and easily put together with the Simple Stories Life Documents kit.

Speaking of Simple Stories, be sure to check out the Simple Stories web site each day from 1/4 - 1/24 for 20 days of inspiration. Each day, a new layout or project is being featured. They will also be doing give aways and sneak peeks for additions to the Life Documented kit and a NEW Simple Stories soon to be released. Check it out at:

Winter CHA is just around the corner (doesn't it seem like summer CHA was last week?) and that means that all the manufacturers will be releasing NEW products and lines soon. With this comes catalog transition and products being discontinued. Be sure to check out my website soon and order any Halloween or Christmas products you may need to work on pages and albums for all those wonderful pictures you took during the holidays.

Happy New Year and Happy Scrappin'!