Tuesday, February 8, 2011

So Much To Do!

I have so many open projects that I'm feeling a little overwhelmed. I think that if I can just get a few things accomplished, I'll be much better.

Picture the Holidays
I took a class in December at Big Picture Classes (check it out: www.bigpictureclasses.com) called Picture the Holidays. I think I told you about this before. I finally have all my pictures edited and printed and am ready to start working on the album. I chose to do an 8x8 for this project and am using red, silver, and cream. I have the title page done. Not much since it's February. But, I am using my new Gypsy for the titles and, man oh man, do I love that thing. The projects I have in mind for it. I will post some pictures when I actually have something to look at!

Boys Books
My always present and open project is the books that I am making for my children. Because they are twins, all of the pages for the first 6 years were the same -- some changes in color and slight layout differences but, basically the same. Now that they are getting bigger, I am getting some differences in activities and personalities. This I am struggling with. They have been so symmetrical so far that my brain is having a hard time wrapping around the fact that they don't, and shouldn't remain the same. I have about 20 pages to do in each book to "catch up". These books are chronological so it seems that just when it's all done, there is more to do. My original intent with these books was to send them off with each of them when they are responsible and living on their own. I do have to say that now the thought of not being able to have them around me is a little unnerving. I suppose I do have a while to worry about this since they are only 7! :)

Here is one of my favorite layouts from early on.

I have begun reading a book by Stacy Julian called Photo Freedom. It is absolutely fantastic! It is about her system of sorting, storing, and scrapping all those pictures. I was steered to this book when I asked some of my fellow consultants what they do with all the extra pictures. You know, the ones we print with the intention of scrapping that then don't make it on the page. Her system is fabulous and I'm still working on getting my head around all the pieces. The one thing that is very apparent to me is that, while I love scrapping my boys, I am missing so much of all the other things that are important to me. So I am now embarking on a new album of random pages that literally will just be because a picture, or groups of pictures, speak to me. I have this picture of my husband that I love and want to do something with besides just letting it sit in my scrap room. I never thought of what I could do with a random Honey page. Now, it's going in MY album that I'm making just for me.

2011 Album
Finally, my last new project is a 2011 album. I mentioned doing this before after I finished the Picture the Holidays class. I have decided that I will do this for 2011 and see how it goes. Hopefully, I can continue each year so that again, I have albums full of everything for me to hold onto. My theme for January is "New Year, New Start". I am scrapping some things I have done around the house to meet my resolution of getting organized in both my personal and business life. February's theme: "All About Love". I have the pages and pictures in my mind. I just need to collect them and the time to get them on the page.

You can see that I have lots of creative things going on and I seriously need more days in the week to balance them and my wonderful, regular life. This is the reason we MUST schedule time to create. If you don't make it happen, it never will!

Happy scrapping!!